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WEEK 9: Machine design

This weeks assignment was in groups. We divided in groups of three people. My group was together with Denise and Gerardo.
The assignment itself was about designing a machine that includes mechanism + actuation + automation.

As we were three groups, we decided to design three machines that could be able to fight against each other. The rules of the game were basically that you need to touch a button in the other machine in order to win.

We made a groupal assignment site where all the process is documented:

My specific contribution to the assignment was:

Final result:

All the pictures, explanations, materials, files, and final video, can be found in our machine website.


This was a strange week. I had to acquire a lot of new knowledge in a really short time, and we had to deal with stuff that we were not supposed to know yet, like controlling motors, inputs, outputs, networking and more.
So it was definetly a crazy week, but it was really interesting thanks to all the explanations given by our instructors, specially all the explanations about the operation of CNC machines.
About the assignment itself, it was very satisfiying to see how well we were able to work in groups, and the optimization we achieved by splitting tasks.
It was also a very fun week, and we enjoyed a lot teasing the other groups and vice versa.